Blackflies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, with discussion of their origin and description of Simulium (Hellichiella) nebulosum n. sp

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:1986
Authors:D. C. Currie, Adler P. H.
Journal:Canadian Journal of Zoology
Type of Article:Article
ISBN Number:0008-4301
Keywords:British, Canada, Columbia, Ecology, fig’d]., Islands] [British Columbia / / bionomics & new species]., Land, Nearctic region, New taxa, Nomenclature, North America, P. 221, Simuliidae (Nematocera)., Simuliidae [Ecology / / Bionomics] [Zoogeography / / Queen Charlotte, Simulium (Hellichiella) nebulosum (Simuliidae): [Sp nov, Systematics, zones, Zoogeography

A morphological and cytological study on blackflies of the Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, revealed a total of 16 species in three genera: Prosimulium (6 species), Simulium (9 species), and Stegopterna (1 species). Included is a description of Simulium (Hellichiella) nebulosum n. sp. Notes on distribution and bionomics are provided for each species. All species collected on the Queen Charlotte Islands are also found on the North American mainland. We conclude that the origin of the present-day simuliid fauna is best explained by post-Wisconsinan dispersal from mainland populations. This conclusion does not support the hypothesis of a continuously mild, Wisconsinian refugium on the Queen Charlotte Islands.

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