An investigation of the blackfly fauna of Andalusia, southern Spain (Diptera: Simuliidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2000
Authors:R. W. Crosskey, Crosskey M. E.
Journal:Journal of Natural History
Date Published:June
Type of Article:Article
ISBN Number:0022-2933
Keywords:Andalusia, Checklist] [Spain / / Andalusia, Documentation, Eurasia, Europe, Key, Land zones, P. 938]., Palaearctic region, Publications, Records & systematics] [ / / ]., Simuliidae (Nematocera)., Simuliidae [Checklists / / Portugal & Spain] [Portugal / /, Simulium (Wilhelmia) - Enderlein 1921 (Simuliidae): [Key to species, Spain, Systematics, Taxonomy

A detailed account is provided of the blackfly (Simuliidae) fauna of Andalusia, southern Spain. The work is based on a study of 14204 specimens, of which 13 733 were collected by the authors from a total of 137 positive sampling sites during prospections made mainly in early summer 1986 and in the spring seasons of 1994-1998. In all, 25 identified species and two possible species of uncertain identity are recorded. The topographical and climatic background is briefly described, data from previous literature and material from earlier collections are covered, a checklist of the blackflies of Spain and Portugal is provided, and the character of the simuliid fauna is discussed for areas within and outside Andalusia.

URL:<Go to ISI>://ZOOREC:ZOOR13600071331
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