A taxonomic account of the blackfly fauna of Iraq and Iran, including keys for species identification (Diptera: Simuliidae)

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2002
Authors:R. W. Crosskey
Journal:Journal of Natural History
Date Published:20
Type of Article:Article
ISBN Number:0022-2933
Keywords:[ / / ] [ / / ]., [Lectotype designated, Adult females, Adult males, Asia, Checklist] [Iran / / ] [ / / Systematics & distribution including, described, Description, Documentation, Eurasia, Iran &, Iran & Iraq, Iraq, Key, Key to, Key to species, Land zones, Male, Mature larvae, New record]., new records] [ / / ] [ / / ] [ / / ] [Iraq / / ] [ / / ] [ / / ], Nomenclature, p. 1845, p. 1846, p. 1849, p. 1853, p. 1860, P. 1860]., P. 1864]., p. 1866]., Palaearctic region, Publications, Pupa, pupae, Redescription, Simuliidae (Nematocera): [Key to species, Simuliidae [Checklists / / ] [Palaearctic region / Middle East /, Simulium (Byssodon) buxtoni - Austen 1923 (Simuliidae): [First time, Simulium (Eusimulium) brachyantherum - Rubtsov (Simuliidae):, Simulium (Nevermannia) brevitarse - (Rubtsov) (Simuliidae): [First, species, Systematics, Taxonomy, time described, Type material

An account is given of what is so far known of the Simuliidae (blackflies) of Iraq and Iran with the object of providing a baseline for studies on this family of Diptera in both countries. A total of 1002 specimens from the area have been studied and 17 species identified in the material. Illustrated keys are given for the recognition of these species in larval, pupal and adult life stages. The composition and affinities of the simuliid fauna of Iraq-Iran are briefly discussed and a synoptic list is provided for the Simuliidae of the Middle East in general. A lectotype is designated for Simulium (Eusimulium) brachyantherum (Rubtsov) and first descriptions of the male of Simulium (Byssodon) buxtoni Austen and the pupa of Simulium (Nevermannia) brevitarse (Rubtsov) are included.

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