Identification keys of the black-flies (Diptera: Simuliidae) of Morocco

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2004
Authors:B. Belqat, Dakki M.
Journal:Zoologica Baetica
Type of Article:Article
ISBN Number:1130-4251
Keywords:94, 95]., Adults & nymphs p., Adults p. 97, Africa, Description, Documentation, Female genitalia, Greniera, Greniera - Doby & David 1959 (Simuliidae): [Key to species, Key, Land zones, larvae, Metacnephia, Metacnephia - Crosskey 1969 (Simuliidae): [Key to species, Morocco, Nomenclature, nymphs p. 101, P., p. 105]., p. 95]., p. 98]., Palaearctic region, Prosimulium, Prosimulium - Roubaud 1906 (Simuliidae): [Key to species, Publications, Simuliidae (Nematocera): [Key to genera, Simuliidae [Checklists / / Species] [Morocco / / ] [ / / ]., Simulium - Latreille 1802 (Simuliidae): [Key to species, Simulium (Eusimulium) mellah (Simuliidae): [First time described, Simulium [Morocco / / ]., Systematics, Taxonomy

Identification keys of 42 simuliidae species of Morocco, in the larval pupa and adult stages, are provided. Figures accompanying the key include both line drawings and photographs obtained using an optic microscope. Female genitalia of Simulium (Eusimulium) mellah is described for the first time.

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