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colvini, NMNH HOLOTYPE MALE 13D-1, GUAT (M, gonostyle, 10X)

GUATEMALA, Rio ente Ayutla y Malacatan, San Marcos; 18.vii.1951, (H.T.Dalmat)female (only head, wig, legs and genitalia [HOLOTYPE] (NMNH, acc. no. 13D-1) [The specimen is in four slides containing the head, wing, legs, and genitalia; the remainder of the adults is missing. The slides bear a White label with black libes around the edges and Dalmat’s hands in red ink “HOLOTYPE male Simulium (Lanea) colvini, n.sp. H.T.Dalmat”; each slide have in red ink in Dalmat’s the body that their contain. At the top of the label in black ink and in Dalmat’s hand “Acc no. 13D-1”. I have added other label on the back of the slides: White label Digitally photographed L.M.Hernández 2010”; White label “Simulium colvini Dalmat Holotype female syn. of S. samboni Jennings Examined: L.M.Hernández 2010”].@PHOTOS: genitalia, legs, wing (4x)@

. Photographer: Luis Hernandez Triana (BMNH) using Automontage system at WRBU / SI NMNH. Publisher: Ornstein, Hannah.

Luis Hernandez Triana (BMNH) using Automontage system at WRBU / SI NMNH
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith