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benjamini, NMNH HOLOTYPE MALE 3N-4, GUAT (M, v.plate, 20X)

GUATEMALA, Rio Sokchá; 11.xi.1948, (H.T.Dalmat, Luis de la Torre, Onofre Ochoa A.)— 1 male (no associated with pupal exuviae, specimens in four slides containing the head, wings, legs and genitalia; remainder of the adult missing) [HOLOTYPE] (NMNH, acc. No. 3N-4) [The specimen is in good condition] [The specimen bear several labels: White label with black line around edges and handwritten by Dalmats in red ink “HOLOTYPE male, Simulium (Byssodon) benjamini, n.sp. H.T.Dalmat; easch slide have ain black in and written by Dalmat the accession number “acc. 3N-4”. White label with black lines around edges and handwritten by Dalmat in black ink with the locality information, date and collector’s name. Other labels here added on the back of the slides: White label “Digitally photographed head, legs, genitalia, wings L.M.Hernández 2010”; White label “Simulium benjamini syn of S. quadrivittatum Ex: L.M.Hernández 2010”].@PHOTOS: legs I-III; genitalia (all) (20X); wing (4x); HEAD (4x)

. Photographer: Luis Hernandez Triana (BMNH) using Automontage system at WRBU / SI NMNH. Publisher: Ornstein, Hannah.

Luis Hernandez Triana (BMNH) using Automontage system at WRBU / SI NMNH
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith