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haematopotum, NMNH LECTOTYPE FEMALE15414, MX (F, lateral, 3x)

Mexico, Veracruz State, St. Lucrecia, La Oaxaqueña; x.1911, (F.W.Urich)- female (man-biting) [LECTOTYPE] (NMNH, accession no. 15414) [The specimen ebar several labels: White label with purples edges “Lectotype”; White label with locality information handwritten in black ink; two White labels with locality and collector’s name printed in black ink; Round White label and handwritten in black ink “Blood suck man 6.oct 1911”; Red label “Type No. 15414 U.S.N.M.”; White label with black lines around edges and handwritten in black ink @Simulium haematopotum Malloch”; White label “Digitally photographed thorax Taken by L.M.Hernadez (BMNH, 2002)”, White label “ Simulium haematopotum Malloch, 1914 Det. A.J.Shelley & L.M.Hernadez 2001-2002”. Other label here added: White label “Digitally photographed Thorax ant+post, abdomen, lateral view; abdomen, dorsal view L.M.Hernadez 2010”; White label Simulium haematopotum Malloch Lectotype female Examined: L.M.Hernandez 2010”]@PHOTOS: Thorax ant, post, abdomen lateral and dorsal (6X, 3x)

. Photographer: Luis Hernandez Triana (BMNH) using Automontage system at WRBU / SI NMNH. Publisher: Ornstein, Hannah.

Luis Hernandez Triana (BMNH) using Automontage system at WRBU / SI NMNH
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith