
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
G. Enderlein1921Neue palaarktische Simuliiden
G. Enderlein1914Diptera: Scatopsidae, Simuliidae of the Seychelles
B. Y. Endo, Trpis M.1997Ultrastructure of infective larvae (L3) of Onchocerca volvulus (Nematoda: Filarioidea) developed in Simulium yahense in Liberia
E. Epure1937Observations sur le corps gras des larves de Simulium
H. E. Escalante1959Simulidos del Estado de Morelos (Dipt. Simuliidae)
D. Rafael Mir Esquivel, de Hoyos P. Munoz1996A historical perspective to Simulium (Ectemnaspis) and Simulium (Psilopelmia) limits
D. Rafael Mir Esquivel, de Hoyos P. Munoz1995Ectemnaspis o Psilopelmia? he ahi el dilema
D. Rafael Mir Esquivel, de Hoyos P. Munoz1993Phylogenetic relationships of the subgenus Ectemnaspis subgroup bicoloratum (Simuliidae: Simulium).
C. L. Evans, Adler P. H.2000Microsculpture and phylogenetic significance of the spermatheca of black flies (Diptera: Simuliidae)
A. Fain1966Notes sur la biologie des acariens du genre Chaetodactylus et en particulier de C. osmiae, parasite des abeilles solitaires Osmia rufa et O. comuta en Belgique
A. Fain1964Diptera-Simuliidae. Miss. Zool. med. Maniema (Congo, Leopoldville (P.L.G. Benoit, 1959)
A. Fain1951Simulies de l’Est congollais. Description de deux Simulium nouveaux
A. Fain1950Simulies nouvelles du Ruanda-Urundi
A. Fain1949Simulies du Kivu (Congo beige)
A. Fain, Dujardin J. P.1983The Simulium nigritarse complex (Diptera Simuliidae)
G. B. Fairchild1947Additional notes on the Tabanidae of Panama (Diptera)
G. B. Fairchild1943An annotated list of the bloodsucking insects, ticks and mites known from Panama
G. B. Fairchild1940Notes on the Simuliidae of Panama (Dipt., Nema-tocera)
G. B. Fairchild, Briceno-Iragorry L.1942Nota sobre Simulium lutzianus (descripcion del adulto)
A. M. Fallis, Smith S. M.1964Ether extracts from birds and CO2 as attractants for some ornithophilic Simuliids
C. K. Feld, Kiel, E., Lautenschlaeger, M.2002The indication of morphological degradation of streams and rivers using Simuliidae
G. Field, Duplessis, R. J., Breton, A. P.1967Progress report on laboratory rearing of black flies. (Diptera: Simuliidae.)
R. Figueiro, Nascimento, E. Silva do, Gil-Azevedo, L. Henrique, Maia-Herzog, M., Monteiro, R. Ferreira2008Local distribution of blackfly (Diptera, Simuliidae) larvae in two adjacent streams: the role of water current velocity in the diversity of blackfly larvae
G. H. Fink1905Similarity in nature of some of the morphological characters and habits of insects
D. S. Finn, Theobald, D. M., Black, W. C. I. V., N. Poff, L.2006Spatial population genetic structure and limited dispersal in a Rocky Mountain alpine stream insect
H. Floch, Abonnenc E.1946Simulides de la Guadeloupe; S. antillarum Jennings et S. tarsale Williston
K. Floch, Abonnenc E.1946Simulides de la Guyane FranYaise I, II
S. A. Forbes1913The Simulium-Pellagra problem in Illinois
S. A. Forbes1912On black-flies and buffalo-gnats (Simidium) as possible carriers of pellagra in Illinois
S. A. Forbes1912On black-flies and buffalo-gnats (Simulium) as possible carriers of pellagra in Illinois
G. Fortner1937Zur Ernahrungsfrage der Simulium-Larve
I. Fox1953Notes on Puerto Rican Simuliidae from light traps (Diptera)
S. N. Francoeur, Biggs, B. J. F., Lowe, R. L.1999Inhibition of algae and invertebrates by malathion from insecticide-diffusing substrata
M. Franz, Schulz-Key H.1981Scanning electron microscope studies on the anterior region of the larvae of Onchocerca volvulus in the vector
F. J. H. Fredeen1969Outbreaks of the black fly Simulium arcticum Malloch in Alberta
F. J. H. Fredeen1963Oviposition in relation to the accumulation of bloodthirsty black flies (Simulium (Gnus) arcticum Mall. (Diptera)) prior to a damaging outbreak
F. J. H. Fredeen1959Rearing black flies in the laboratory (Diptera: Simuliidae)
F. J. H. Fredeen, Rempel, J. G., Arnason, A. P.1951Egg-laying habits, overwintering stages, and life-cycle of Simulium arcticum Mall. (Diptera: Simuliidae)
P. Freeman1951Simulium (Diptera Nematocera) Fam. Simuliidae
P. Freeman1950Notes on one African and two southern Palaearctic species of Simulium with new synonymy
P. Freeman, De Meillon B.1953Simuliidae of the Ethiopian region
H. F. Friederichs1931Beitrage zur Morphologie und Physiologie der Sehorgane der Cicindelinen (Col.)
K. Friederichs1921Unter suchungen uber Simuliiden (Teil II)
K. Friederichs1913Die neuere, insbesondere die medizinische Literatur uber "Sand-flies" (Phlebotomus, Simulium, Ceratopogoninae)
S. W. Frost1949The Simuliidae of Pennsylvania (Dipt.)
D. P. Furman, Catts E. P.1982Manual of medical entomology. Fourth edition
D. P. Furman, Catts E. P.1970Manual of medical entomology
J. Gagneur1976Repartition des Simuliidae (Diptera) dans le Lot
F. L. Gambrell1933The embryology of the black fly, Simulium pictipes Hagen
R. Garms, Post A.1967Die Simulien der Republik Guinea, Westafrika


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith